Swaths of golden flowers from the Sunflower family cover the fresh green hillsides as you approach Dunraven Pass in Yellowstone National Park.
We were there on the last day of July this year, and were not disappointed, the wildflowers were lovely!
One of the nicest natural flower gardens in the area, can be found just a little ways up the trail from the Dunraven Pass parking lot.
This year that man who was once my 7th and 8th grade teacher, Mr. Chet Ground, came along with us. This is the man who taught me to identify and enjoy wildflowers. Many years have passed since then, but I can still remember many of the names he taught me, with an old slide projector filled with flowers to learn. Once again I wasn't disappointed, for we found two flowers I had never noticed before, and with our handy guide books we were able to identify some new friends, for that is how I have come to view wildflowers as I walk through a blooming meadow, or down a forest trail. Our first new find is the lovely purple flower being photographed in the photo above. It has very long purple stamens with golden tips, and is called Silky phacelia.
The second new to me flower is in the photo above. There are two tall green plants in the middle third of the photo above. They don't look like much, but closer examination, as in the photo below reveal a stunningly beautiful purple and yellow flower.
I'd like to introduce you to Showy Green Gentian. What a lesson here: Never overlook the flowers that look a little plain along the trail. You may be surprised when you get a little closer.
Yellow Columbine may be common in some places, but not where I come from. I get excited when I find meadows full of it. They remind me of a lovely yellow farmhouse, surrounded by a big white porch, and a green lawn, a happy place where you'd enjoy sitting for a while.
Pretty pink Sticky Geranium makes the yellow sunflowers shine even brighter. They are a little like wild roses, but without thorns.
Magenta pink Indian Paintbrush flourished in many meadows along the trail.
What a striking color for the bracts, especially when compared to the scarlet orange Paintbrush, which also was found along the trail.
In my area Creeping Phlox blooms in late February, but in the high altitudes you find it much later. Along this trail it is snowy white, and holding onto little water droplets left over from the last rain.
A pretty blue Larkspur grows in the meadows to contrast with the paintbrush and columbine.
American Bistort, also known as Bottle Brush grows in the same areas. You can see it in the meadow photos.
There weren't very many Pussy Toes along the trail but we found a very photogenic little patch of them with raindrop sparkles on their crown.
This photo is for my tall friends who may never have stooped low enough to see light filtering through a Cow Parsnip' umbrella shaped blossom. What a beautiful design.
A pretty blue and pink Penstemon grew in slightly drier areas.
The individual flowers are designed just for bees who love to visit when the sun is out.
You just have to take a look at the button shaped Buckwheat we found.
To me they were just like miniature bridal bouquets.
We actually saw quite a few different Buckwheat plants on our vacation. They usually like to grow in drier locations. It made me think I'd like to see if I could start a Buckwheat garden in a dry area of my yard, but I don't know how easily they transplant, or if it is better to try to start them from seed. Obviously I didn't remove any from the National Park, but I think I'm going to start exploring this idea and see what I can do to get some plants from other areas started. If this works, I might try to add some sedum, and other dry land flowering plants. If you have tried to do this, or have some advice, please do leave me a comment.
I hope you enjoyed this mini tour of the first 1/2 mile of the Dunraven Pass Trail, in Yellowstone National Park.
P.S. Does anyone know the specific name of the yellow sunflower that grows here? I'd love to learn it's name. Thanks!
They're all beautiful, but the Showy Green Genetian is absolutely amazing--so delicate, such a piece of artwork.