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Showing posts from June, 2009

Wilted Peonies

The peonies are doing better in the garden this year then last. There are bigger blooms and they aren't damaged by the earwigs. My son brought me in a pink one and a white one yesterday morning, which were promptly placed in the place of honor in a vase by the kitchen sink, where I admired them all day. This morning I was saddened by the the wilting of the pink one. There it was, pink petals drooping like icing about to slide off a birthday cake. The once crisp edges were shriveling, the freshness vanished. All the joy had departed from my bouquet, even though the white one still shown bright. I thought about when the first peony wilted. I'm sure that they were bigger and more lush in the Garden of Eden then they were here. It must have made Eve want to sit down and cry when she saw how sin ruined such a beauty, her sin, wilting life for everyone. Surely she felt so responsible, so guilty, so sorry for straying away from God's plan. One bite of curious disobedie