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Showing posts from February, 2010

Spring Whispered Joy

Yesterday I found the first crocus of the year, in our yard. The sun was shining then on it's golden petals, polishing them to a sparkle. This morning the sky is overcast, so the little flower is holding it's promise closed, but it is still there, waiting for the sun to warm them again. Yesterday, after savoring crocus yellow, I searched for more signs of spring. It was very quiet outside, no wind, no tractors in the field, no cars on the road, no tweetering finches. Everything was so very still, so I could hear the first sounds of spring. Last fall our elegant maple trees let down their leaves to insulate the flower beds against the winter cold. Most of the leaves blew away in the stiff December winds, to compost in some distant field. But some remained to shelter the daffodils and narcissus bulbs until February began to warm. I stood there listening, my ears drawn to faint trembling, the sound of bulbs pushing green leaves pushing promise up through last summer's re

Presence-Focused, not Problem-Focused

My Pretty Siamese Kitty There are at least two big problems in my life right now trying to keep my attention. When I think about them very long, they start me on a downward spiral. Today both issues demanded my attention, but today I determined to use my God given freedom to redirect my thoughts. I have the power of choice given me by God, and I can choose to think of Him whenever I would like. This morning before anyone else was up, I came to His presence and He blessed me with the reassurance that His very presence is with me. It is with me when I think about Him, and when I don't. But when I do, and do often, the blessing starts multiplying. I did think about him often in the morning, but soon the little problems piled themselves onto the big problems, and I felt snowed under. Without realizing it I became problem-focused, and forgot the Presence of God was with me. It wasn't until the evening came that I remembered to be Presence-focused again, and when I did, the