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Showing posts from December, 2012

50 Years Together

50 Years Together. Photo by William at Heavenly Light Photography. Last night we celebrated my parents 50th anniversary.  We are so thankful for their all their committed years together.  The gathering was small, because they no longer live close to where they spent most of their married life together, and many other people were unable to come because of health reasons. Some special people were able to attend, including the flower girl from their wedding (mom's niece), a candle lighter (mom's brother), and the lady in charge of the cake (mom's sister).  My sister made a beautiful slide show of their life.  We extend a big thanks to my Auntie who decorated the gluten-free cake I had baked in advance. (You can find the recipe for the cake here .)  It was a really special occasion.  Thank you to everyone who came, everyone who helped prepare, and everyone who have supported and encouraged my parents through the years.  They are a good example of faithful love through thick