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Showing posts from March, 2011

Apricot Blossoms and God given Fruit

A lesson struck close to home this week.  I noticed that the apricot trees were blooming.  They are so beautiful!  But the weather has been lingering cold and windy.  There isn't much of a chance that the tree will bring us any fruit at the end of June . . . again!  Last year there were around 5 apricots that ripened, when there could have been hundreds, maybe even box fulls of juicy, sweetly sour globes.  Few grocery stores sell tree-ripened apricot perfection.   If I could just have a bowlful to myself.  I was willing to wait a few months until the sun turned them soft, orange, but a wait another whole year?  I wasn't sure I could bear it.  I was a little upset with the tree, and the weather, and everything.  Then the thought, straight from God, and His Word, knifed it's way into my mind, and then on into my heart.  "Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors, (from the Lord's prayer.) (Pause) I would that ye bear much fruit."  I knew immediately what

Take Your Children Out into the Gardens

"You should take your children  out into the gardens,  and show them the beautiful flowers  that God has made.    God is the great master artist,  and the pictures which are painted by human artists  and admired by the world,  are only feeble imitations of the works of God.    God daily works miracles before us  in the unfolding of the blossoms;  for no human hand can paint  such delicate hues, or fashion such graceful plants   All this speaks of the work  of the divine Artist,  and each flower is an expression  of the love of God to us.  God has designed to make us happy.    He has covered the earth  with the beautiful green verdure;  for he knew that this color  would be grateful to our senses.    Each beautiful thing in nature  is a token of God's love and care.  So take your children out into the open air  beneath the canopy of the heavens,  under the noble trees,  into the gardens,  and point them  through nature  up to nature's God.    Carry their mind

Angels Ever Present

"Angels are ever present where they are most needed, with those who have the hardest battle with self to fight, and whose surroundings are the most discouraging."  Sons and Daughters of God, p. 35 I sure need need the help of the holy angels of God.   Don't you?  The battle of self is constant.  It seems that there are more and more discouraging circumstances in this life.  So I ask,   "Dear God, please send your angels to our home, and to the homes of my friends, and to the homes of my readers, that we may have help in the battle against self, that there would be more love in our hearts for each other, and that we may have deliverance from our discouraging circumstances. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."

Don't Fire the Butler

      " Many are the benefits derived from feasting on His Word. . . . Habits of self-control are formed and strengthened. The infirmities of childhood--fretfulness, willfulness, selfishness, hasty words, passionate acts--disappear, and in their place are developed the graces of Christian manhood and womanhood."   Faith I Live By, p. 271  There are so many books and formulas out there for raising children.   But every child and parent are different.  Those of you who have been there know that it is extremely hard to complete the checklist of everything a well intentioned expert tells you will make your child fit in and be well behaved. Here is a remedy for "the infirmities of childhood" that seems much simpler, simply feasting on the Word of God.  This isn't threatening, or scolding with quotes.  Instead it is taking time to read the Bible, and enjoy it.  The Bible speaks for itself.  The Holy Spirit works in the mind and heart and drive home any point n

The Faith of Praise

Spring is coming, even though it is still cold outside . Praising God in the bad times is an act of faith.  You can't see Him.  You can't see much of the good He is working out in you, but you still believe in Him, trusting Him, even in the darkness. Abraham had been given some big promises by God, promises He could not see being fulfilled, even by the time he was old.  We have been give some amazing promises by God also.  The Bible is full of them. Abraham could have turned away from God by the time his wife was too old to bear a child.  But the fulfillment of the promise wasn't limited by human abilities.  It was all-powerful, eternal, loving GOD who had promised! When my day is hard, burdens and questions weighing me down, I can feel left alone to sort everything out.  The heavy load almost squishes me to nothing.  But God promises to do amazing things.  Do I turn away from the all-powerful, eternal, loving GOD when I feel sadness and disappointment, when I can&