Swaths of golden flowers from the Sunflower family cover the fresh green hillsides as you approach Dunraven Pass in Yellowstone National Park. We were there on the last day of July this year, and were not disappointed, the wildflowers were lovely! One of the nicest natural flower gardens in the area, can be found just a little ways up the trail from the Dunraven Pass parking lot. This year that man who was once my 7th and 8th grade teacher, Mr. Chet Ground, came along with us. This is the man who taught me to identify and enjoy wildflowers. Many years have passed since then, but I can still remember many of the names he taught me, with an old slide projector filled with flowers to learn. Once again I wasn't disappointed, for we found two flowers I had never noticed before, and with our handy guide books we were able to identify some new friends, for that is how I have come to view wildflowers as I walk through a blooming meadow, or down a forest trail....