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Till the Soil

Now that the little plants by my window are getting serious about growing, we've been needing to get serious about getting the soil ready for them.  In the past, I've had a small garden with 10 - 3 foot by 9 foot wooden sided garden boxes.   It was enough for 3 boxes of tomato plants, and then a few plants each of all the other garden vegetables we enjoy.  But it seems like the kids keep eating more, and so it is time to expand the garden.  There is one spot unused spot on our property that has been waiting to be of use for a long time.  It would require serious work to get it ready, but it was time to do it.  It is a long narrow strip growing grass, and weeds.  So we contacted a friend who came over with his tractor and plow and did his best to roughly break it up for us.

But the soil was still rough.

So next we got out the rototiller, and grandpa worked it over, so we could work the soil some more.

The tiller works fine, chopping clods to bits, throwing dust all around.

Put your hand on the handle and hold on.

 It helped for someone else to break up mounds the plow left with a shovel.

But our tiller isn't too big.  Even the kids can handle it!  They were so excited to give it a try.

Yep, even Mama can run a rototiller.  

There is something amazing about tilling the soil.  I stayed and worked on it by myself when everyone else got restless and went back to their own activities.  I really haven't worked a large piece of soil on my own before with a machine.  I've turned by garden boxes with a shovel year after year, but they are too small for a rototiller.  It's hard work, but I could see my progress.  The connection with the soil satisfied something deep.  Sweat ran, muscles wearied breaking sod to soil.  Maybe I was supposed be a farmer, and have never had the chance.


  1. Such delicious looking soil! Only your valley can produce such wonderful soil! It looks like it really grows grass well, though. I hope you are able to get rid of it enough that you don't have to battle it all summer. Happy planting!


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