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Blooming Where I Am Planted

Bitter Root Blooming in Adverse Conditions in Malheur, Oregon Desert
One of the most amazing characteristics of wildflowers is that they make the best of where ever their tender roots find soil.  Like in the parable of the sower, some plants just don't get a chance, the unthoughtful people, like birds, are after them; the heartless people, like gophers, chew on them; an endless string of difficulties may beat on them like the sun drying the very life out of them until their existance feels hard as asphalt.  There aren't many places to grow in a cement driveway, but some persistent plants do it, and seem to even thrive.  They bloom where they are planted, even if it is tough to do so, making blooms and seeds for a future generation.
Blooming in an Old Time Garbage Dump
But me, I'm struggling to be content.  Instead of being thankful for the all the blessings poured out and overflowing on my life, I'm often chafing with discontentment over my present circumstances.  One of the biggest things getting at me right now is the speed with which clutter reappears in the family room, the number of dirty dishes left on the counter, the dirty fingerprints smeared around the light switch, and the creamy sauce drying on the front of the stove.  My house is feeling more like a trap then a haven.  Irritation grips my voice, lashing at those nearest. Why can't they be more thoughtful and keep things pleasant?
Blooming Among the Rocks
Last weekend we we went away to the mountains for a little rest and stayed in a cute, clean, clutter-free cottage.  I could have stayed for a week.  The visual peace calmed me.  If only my own house could be that way.

But I wasn't planted there.  God put me here to grow.  Am I going to remain angry and discontent with my circumstances?  Or am I going to accept my lot and see what I can do about blooming even under my present circumstances; even when the floor I just swept has crumbs sprinkled on it, my shoulder hurts,  I'm tired, and the laundry is piled high again?  Sometimes it feels like I am the only one in the family who cares about how things look.

As I thought about my place in life, some things came to mind, that might help you too, if you too are chaffing instead of blooming.
Pushing Out of the Hard Soil, Blooming Right from the Start
1.  I can choose to make the best of the situation, instead of getting upset.

2.  I can work to decrease the number of things available to spread around as clutter.

3.  I can make sure the chore schedule is clear, easy to follow, and can follow up to make sure those responsible for chores are completing them.

4.  I can smile at the mess makers, and think good things about them.  I can be grateful to God that they have healthy fingers capable of smearing fingerprints.  I can be grateful for the walls that hold together our home, so that my children have a place to leave their finger prints.

Beautiful Bitter Root

5.  I can work around the house to make sure there are beautiful things for me to rest my eyes on, even in the midst of the clutter, things that remind me of spiritual truths to lift my eyes above the mundane.  And when those get messed up, I can lift my eyes even higher to the promises of God and sing out praise to the Eternal God of Love, who is with me even when my life is hard.

6.  I can practice gratitude.  Really I am grateful, but maybe it takes practice to keep focused on the blessings and not on the trials.  Writing them down helps.  Just how many things to be grateful for lay nearby unnoticed?

7.  I can make sure my own actions, voice and attitude is a thing of beauty and not a source of pain to my family.

8.  I can choose God's other-centered agape love, rather then serving myself.

9.  I can encourage my kids in the things they are doing right.  Even if I am dressed in the nicest of colors and styles, they would amount to nothing if everything in my head and coming out of my mouth is ugly and painful.

It is time for me to bloom as beautifully as I can in the place that God has planted me.  It is time for me to change my thinking and start enjoying my home and family more.   This is where God has planted me.  And no matter where he has planted me, I want to bloom.


  1. Ohhh...I needed to read this! I know I am where I am because God placed me here!...but I would rather have a pity party...well I think...uhhh...maybe ;)

  2. I am blooming too!..Very nice photos!

  3. great truths
    love the power of being thankful
    it changes everything
    great pics to go with your post
    thanks for sharing


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